
Well hello

Hello and thank you for visiting my new blog and author site. You are very welcome and I am pleased you have taken the time to take a look. As I update this blog, I will be adding new flash fiction from time to time, with the occasional short story as I write any. I will also be providing news of any of my upcoming short stories with tasters of things to come. I hope you enjoy reading my work and please do leave comments or make contact from the contact page. And do drop by again to see what’s new. Click on the link below if you would like to follow my blog. Many thanks, Ray.

Visit me on Vocal

Most of my new short stories, blog articles and other creations are now listed on Vocal media first. There you will be able to read most of my new stuff and find tips and hints to help you in your writing career. Visit my Vocal page now. Raymond G. Taylor on Vocal

A macabre profession

I crept into the crypt intent upon a grim and grizzly task. Having scaled the walls of the cemetery after darkness and prized open the door to the vault, I crouched just inside, silently waiting and listening for any movement outside. I could hear nothing but the wind in the distant trees and saw no sign…

Learning to fly

It was a crisp Autumn afternoon as I drove past the airport building and around to the side road where the private aircraft were kept. Biggin Hill Airport is a former RAF base just outside of London and you could still see some of the wartime barracks and the airmen’s chapel beside the more modern air…

Burial Party at Beckenham Parish Church

Parson William Hogarth stood under cover of the lychgate, awaiting the arrival of the body of dear departed brother Jeremiah Stodart with some foreboding. The family were known to the good people of the Kent hamlet of Beckenham as drunkards and ne’er-do-wells and the affair was as likely to end in an unholy debauch as…

The Brothers of Logan County

Martin Cheney stood on a hillock at the edge of his claim, looking out over the eastern trail to see a small cloud of dust raised by a lone rider. It was a warm, muggy August afternoon in Logan County in the Oklahoma territory, some hazy sunshine, and no rain for weeks. Cheney stood looking, waiting.…

The Plumes of Enceladus

Deep within the cloudy mass of Saturn’s E ring is no place to discover your Ship Nav is failing. Our earlier approach had been nothing short of awe-inspiring. As we flew towards the swirling grey globe of the gas giant and its colossal rings, ‘we’ being the ship and me, I just sat in the pilot…

A Time for Empathy?

Deep Space Transport Vessel (DSTV) Endurance – inbound – ending a 28-year mission to the Moon, Mars and the far mining outposts of the Asteroid belt. It is a happy ship but something strange is happening. As the mission proceeds, strange gets stranger… Read Raymond G. Taylor’s latest original short story and please read some…

Launched today

Available now! in Paperback! Kindle and Kindleunlimited. A gritty wilderness action adventure that follows a wolf’s fight to survive, pitching herself against rival wolves, prey animals and the unforgiving forest. Order your copy today!


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